【國際教育這條路】倫敦Barnet 坐擁最多優異評級公立學校校網區
打算移居英國的父母最在意一定是子女的教育問題,在英國如要入讀公立學校,校網區 (catchment area) 及學校質素就是選擇落腳點必須考慮的事情。全倫敦共有32個分區 (boroughs), Barnet位於倫敦北部,為絕佳的校網區。而且Barnet交通方便,乘地鐵Northern Line大約30分鐘就可抵達倫敦市中心。
在解釋校網之前就要先簡單介紹一下英格蘭地區的入學制度,這裡主要分為公立學校 (State School) 和私立學校 (Independent School / Private School)。私立學校教學質素有保證高,公開考試成績也好,當然學費也相應為高,公立學校就無論中學或小學都不需要交學費。公立學校按校網區收生,住得越近,入到心儀學校的機會就越高。如果學校有超額申請,地方政府就會以學校的收生標準來派位,有些學校就純粹以距離計算,有些跟香港一樣,如有兄弟姊妹正在該校讀書或有相同宗教背景,小朋友都有機會獲優先獲取錄。
至於學校質素,英國公立學校的評分機構叫Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills),每間學校都有獨立評分報告,共分為四個評級: 卓越 (outstanding)、良好 (good)、需要改善 (requires improvement)、不合格 (inadequate)。相信所有家長都希望子女入讀被評為outstanding或good的學校,所以選擇一區擁有大量優質學校的居住地點非常重要。
根據2019 Ofsted報告,倫敦擁有的卓越 (outstanding) 評級公立學校是全英之冠,當中擁有最多outstanding公立學校的地區就是的Barnet,區內共有31間outstanding公立小學,11間outstanding公立中學。就算是評為good的中小學也分別有55間及11間。
1. The Annunciation Catholic Infant School
2. Ashmole Primary School
3. Barnfield Primary School
4. Blessed Dominic Catholic Primary School
5. Brookland Infant and Nursery School
6. Brookland Junior School
7. Coppetts Wood Primary School
8. Courtland School
9. Goldbeaters Primary School
10. Holy Trinity CofE Primary School
11. The Hyde School
12. Independent Jewish Day School
13. Manorside Primary School
14. Martin Primary School
15. Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School
16. Menorah Primary School
17. Monkfrith Primary School
18. Moss Hall Infant School
19. Northside Primary School
20. Northway School
21. The Orion Primary School
22. Our Lady of Lourdes RC School
23. St Agnes’ Catholic Primary School
24. St Catherine’s RC School
25. St John’s CofE Junior Mixed and Infant School
26. St Mary’s CofE Primary School
27. St Mary’s CofE Primary School, East Barnet
28. St Paul’s CofE Primary School NW7
29. Trent CofE Primary School
30. Whitings Hill Primary School
31. Wren Academy Finchley
1. The Archer Academy
2. Ashmole Academy
3. The Compton School
4. Hasmonean High School for Boys
5. Hendon School
6. The Henrietta Barnett School
7. Oak Lodge School
8. Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet
9. St Michael’s Catholic Grammar School
10. Woodhouse College
11. Wren Academy Finchley
Barnet校網區不單學校卓越,學生成績亦相當優異。學生無論在全國性統一考試 (SATs),GCSE或者是A-Level都有不錯的表現。Barnet有73%的Year 6同學在SATs成績達標,高於全國平均值65%;有15%同學屬較高水平,亦高於全國平均值的11%。至於GCSE就更厲害,全國8科最佳成績 (Attainment 8) 平均分數是44.7,Barnet學生取得57.1。至於A-Level方面,Barnet學生的平均分 (Average score) 為36.47 (B),也是相對全國平均的34.01 (C+) 為佳。特別想提的是Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet和The Henrietta Barnett School,這兩間公立中學的排名長期居首,無論GCSE或A-Level成績都絕對超卓。
^Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet
^The Henrietta Barnett School
當初步理解到校網和學校質素,現在舉一個實際例子說明。如果即將入住Mill Hill的新樓盤Plaza Collection,容易為小朋友找到一間outstanding的學校嗎?
^Mill Hill Plaza Collection
答案是很大機會,因為附近就有一間評級outstanding的St Mary’s CofE Primary School,它跟Plaza Collection相距0.5英里,而根據2020年度的派位結果,這間學校最遠的派位距離為0.531英里,換句話說,如今年申請入學,小朋友幾乎可以派入這間outstanding學校了。
^St Mary’s CofE Primary School學生
1. Annemount School
2. Belmont Mill Hill Preparatory School
3. Brampton College
4. Dwight School London
5. Kerem School
6. Lyonsdown School
7. Mill Hill Pre-Prep – Grimsdell
8. Mill Hill School
9. North London Collegiate School
10. St Martha’s Senior School
11. Susi Earnshaw Theatre School
12. The King Alfred School
13. The Mount, Mill Hill International
倫敦北Plaza Collection高尚住宅區物業展銷會
坐落傳統富人區Mill Hill,樓價十年攀升約80%,租金值上漲約40%
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作者: 國際教育這條路