
【至fun閱讀】: 想知道如何讓你的孩子變得更聰明、更喜歡學習嗎?
因此,我們必須放棄依靠背誦單詞來學習英語的習慣,改為有系統地教導孩子基本音節組合及拆解的技巧。假若您的孩子不能讀出或拼寫hat, mat, sun, hot, pot等簡單的單字,要求他們在學校測驗中默寫出brown, puppet, robot, teddy bear, astronaut等更複雜的字有何意義呢?
聆聽是學習閱讀的先決條件。兒童必須先掌握基本的口語技巧和音節知識,才能有良好的閱讀技巧。首先,他們需要學習分辨聲音(音素)之間的差異,然後才能掌握拆解單字的方法。比如說,您的孩子能聽到字詞間第一個音素(phoneme)的區別嗎?要分辨出它們的差別,您可以先問問孩子「以下哪個字是由’h’音開頭:fan, hat, wet, 還是pot?」當然,您的孩子必須先懂得每個字母的正確發音才能辨認每個字開頭、中間和結尾的音節,這就是語音的基礎。
作者︰Mr.Michael Sullivan@至fun閱讀
電郵聯繫:[email protected]
Want to know how to make your child smarter and enjoy learning?
Reading will make your child smarter!
Is your child beginning to learn to read English by memorizing word lists for dictation tests?
Memorizing words is not learning to read. A great percentage of Hong Kong schools teach children to read English by memorizing words, and some piecemeal phonics worksheets. Children are taught to memorize English word shapes in the same way that they learn Chinese characters. English is an alphabetic language, whereas Chinese is based on logograms that need to be memorized.
We must break the habit of teaching children to memorize English words. We need to teach them foundational decoding and phonemic skills in a systematic way. If your child cannot read or spell words like hat, mat, sun, hot, and pot, does it make sense to give them dictation tests at school for words like: brown, puppet, robot, teddy bear or astronaut?
Most children need focused practice with a teacher to learn how to blend sounds together. Learning to read is a very difficult task, and it is very challenging for a teacher to accomplish this in a large classroom environment.
Listening is the prerequisite to reading. Children must have an oral foundation and phonemic awareness skills to become fluent readers. First they need to be able to distinguish the difference between sounds (phonemes) before they can decode words. For example, can your child hear the difference between onset (beginning) sounds? To find out, you can ask your child orally, “Which word begins with an ‘h’: fan, hat, wet, or pot. Of course, your child must know the correct sounds of the letters before they can discriminate between the beginning, middle, and ending sounds. This is the foundation of phonics.
Mr. Michael Sullivan is a professional teacher and published author of children’s books for Oxford University Press and Pearson Longman.
You can contact him at: [email protected]